ENGLISH CONPERSIATION BETWEEN SITI, GITA, RERE AND ZAM ZAM Gita : I'm so excited about a concert for charity in the end of this month. Siti: yeah me too. it will be held in yorkshire. Rere: really? It's in our city, isn't it? Siti: yeah Rere: so our city will be full of celebrities and of course people from other cities will come, no, maybe from other countries too. That will be very interesting. Gita : well yeah. Our city will be famous too. The concert will be shown on many tv channels. Rere: we must come! Have we bought the ticket? Siti: that's why we talk about it. We decide to come and reserve the ticket for us. Gita : so we three will come to the concert. Siti : how about inviting Zamzam? Gita : here she is. Zamzam come join us! Zamzam: what are u three talking about? Seems so serious. it must be an important thing , musn’t it ? Rere: we decide to come to a concert in the end of this month. Will u join us? Zamzam: a concert? Soun...