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Showing posts from July, 2015

percakapan bahasa Inggris

ENGLISH  CONPERSIATION BETWEEN SITI, GITA, RERE AND ZAM ZAM Gita : I'm so excited about a concert for charity in the end of this month. Siti: yeah me too. it will be held in yorkshire. Rere: really? It's in our city, isn't it? Siti: yeah Rere: so our city will be full of celebrities and of course people from other cities will come, no, maybe from other countries too. That will be very interesting. Gita : well yeah. Our city will be famous too. The concert will be shown on many tv channels. Rere: we must come! Have we bought the ticket? Siti: that's why we talk about it. We decide to come and reserve the ticket for us. Gita : so we three will come to the concert. Siti : how about inviting Zamzam? Gita : here she is. Zamzam come join us! Zamzam: what are u three talking about? Seems so serious. it must be an important thing , musn’t it ? Rere: we decide to come to a concert in the end of this month. Will u join us? Zamzam: a concert? Soun...

makalah Ilmu Sosial Budaya Dasar

NAMA : SITI MASRIFAH C1.14150019 SASTRA INGGRIS   MATA KULIAH : ILMU SOSIAL BUDAYA DASAR 1)       Bagaimana dampak positif dan negatif serta bagaimana perkembangan budaya indonesia?                                                           PERKEMBANGAN BUDAYA INDONESIA        Perkembangan budaya indonesia saat ini sudah mulai terkikis perlahan-perlahan seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang lebih maju dan modern, saat ini banyak masyarakat secara perlahan meninggalkan budaya local atau tradisional dan lebih memilih budaya yang lebih modern. Ini terjadi karena adanya proses perubahan social seperti Akultursi dan Asimilasi. Akulturasi adalan proses masuknya kebudayaan baru yang secara lambat laun dapat diterima dan diolah dengan kebudayaan sen...